Friday, February 13, 2009

What have I been up to lately?

If you've read all that, kudos and thank you. After I finished it the other day I flicked through and read a few of the highlights and relived some very fond memories, an occasion which normally delights but in this case did not. I became sort of sad. I miss my vagabond lifestyle. I miss hopping a cheap flight to another country every month. I miss different cultures and my friends in Dublin and rugby and pubs and the ocean the bus and...well you get it.

I don't miss the weather and I was glad to see some real thunderstorms the other night, I had missed those. There have been a few springy days lately and that made me realize that I have missed Oklahoma spring and summer. Minus the destruction and carnage of course.

I digress.

What I've meant to say is what I have been up to lately. I am gainfully employed at Iron Starr Urban Barbecue in Oklahoma City. It's a very fine restaurant with a delicious menu where I am a server. Hopefully we will be opening a second restaurant soon where I will be a bartender. (THAT sounds dangeruss doesn't it? Sorta like hiring Cookie Monster to drive the Oreo truck?) When I'm not working I read and write, scoot all over town on Stella, my mint green scooter that looks like this, and I go for bike rides at the lake and visit friends for lunch and goof off most of the time. Maybe this blog temporarily be a compilation of stories from the restaurant and other general mischief I find.

In a hotly contested comment put forth at Christmas dinner, my mom referred to me as "just a waiter" but I do have some goals in life. (by the way, mom, I know you meant that as a compliment and you said "just" because I have such potential. Honestly, I'm not offended) I still have the travel bug so I plan to save a few bucks (contact me for donations) and get myself to Costa Rica where I will begin to learn English to the masses. It doesn't pay much but I've learned to live on very little and it will allow me to explore South America for a while. I've always wanted to go to the rain forest and learn how to surf (not at the same time. there is no surfing in the rain forest), and SA has both.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy life and live it as YOU see fit, sounds like you have been more places and seen more things than most people your age. Sometimes the finer things in life are the simple things. No need to rush into anything if you don't have to. I find your endeavors interesting, keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

GEEZ..give me a BREAK ..i'M ON your side of this carefree lifestyle you can work when you are too old to gad a bout.... this big ole world...envious..I am tethered to the grind....Bloom where you are planted.....Everyone hates a bad waiter and always tips the good ones....YOU ARE THE BEST WAITER-BARTENDEr I know... Hopefully you will remember the great meal and forget the comments....LOL